
Durch regelmäßiges Einbürsten eines Fluoridgelees einmal wöchentlich kann man das Kariesrisiko um 30 bis 60 Prozent reduzieren.

Dr. Udo Hock
Dr. Martin Mangelkramer
Dr. Christian-A. Mangelkramer

Langangerweg 27a
92224 Amberg

Tel 09621 / 64 665

You can reach our dental office as follows:

Our office is situated in 92224 Amberg, Langangerweg 27a.

We provide free parking spaces directly in front of the office.


Coming from Vilseck, Grafenwöhr:

  • B229 towards Amberg
  • After passing the "Amberg" sign, turn left at the third stoplight into Langangerweg (before the AGIP gas station).
  • After approx. 50 m, the road forks. There you follow the left-hand side.
  • After another 400 m, our office sign shows you the approach to our practice on the left-hand side.
  • You can park your car directly in front of the office .

Coming from the Autobahn A6:

  • exit "Amberg-West"
  • B229 towards Amberg
  • After passing the "Amberg" sign, turn right at the third stoplight into Langangerweg (after the AGIP gas station)

For handicapped people we installed to treatment rooms at ground level.